Some say…”Worry Is A Waste of Imagination. Old Dog says, “It’s probably too late and you are already worrying. The real issue is how you worry.
Since you are probably going to worry anyway you might want to become more efficient at it.
Here are a few Old Dog Tricks concerning worrying.
Obsessive thoughts. When worrying, you can greet each redundant thought with these questions. “Have I heard this before ?” Yes. “Then, do I have anything new to say or think about it ?” No. If not, then walk away from the thought. If it follows you, then repeat the process. Old Dog says, “Sooner or later one of you might just get tired of this and move on.”
Poor Timing. The act of worrying is a dislocation of time awareness. It is about being distracted from effective action by being consumed by a fixation of hopeless energy. Old Dog says, “Excessive worrying is like looking for the light at the end of the tunnel when you are really looking at the bottom of a hole that your defeating thoughts have dug.” It helps to consider that “All regret exists in the Past and all anxiety exists in the future. And true being and choice only exists in the present.”
Having doubt isn’t a waste of imagination, if, you can be creative. Exploring options, plans of action, and choices are helpful. Worrying is especially inefficient when it is done at an inappropriate moment. Does it really make sense to wake up in the middle of the night and worry about money. The opportunities for making money in your sleep are very limited. You would use your energy and talents better by scheduling a time the next afternoon when you can sit, concentrate and give it your full attention in the bright light of day.
Be Reasonable. You would not consider telling scary stories to small children before bedtime. It would not serve helping them sleep or be kind. And yet, worrying is just that. It is telling yourself over and over again the same “worst-case scenario horror story. Ask yourself how many times in your life have you have felt like you were going to die. And then ask how many times have you actually died. Nothing is gained by ignoring your feelings. They are real. But, you can factor in the probability of what might actually realistically happen. President Obama told his daughters, “Only the end of the world is the end of the world.” Choose to write your life story which follows the path of what you truly want in life. Expect hope and opportunity as much as you do sadness and loss.
Efficient Worrying: By worrying more efficiently, you lessen the need for it. Not, by denying or blocking the natural urge. But, by fulfilling the true, organic quest presented by worry. To find a way for living a better life. To be aware more fully and choose more fulfilling choices.
Old Dog finally reminds, “Worrying when you can’t or don’t want to do something about a problem is like having your car in neutral and yet you have your foot firmly on the gas pedal. The roar of the engine is exciting but you aren’t getting anywhere and you are wasting a whole lot of gas.”
Old Dog says, “If you can’t figure anything to change a situation then you might just as well lay down and take a nap until you come up with something. Old Dog laughs, “It works for me !”