Old Dog Says…“Fear is just excitement with an attitude.”
You can hear those out there saying but how can Old Dog be so trivial about fear when we are in a crisis. This is his answer. (And remember that some of his relatives are afraid of vacuum cleaners)
Many confuse fear with panic. The natural manifestation of fear is caution. The distorted manifestation of fear is panic. If anyone tells you, “You shouldn’t feel that way !”
Old Dog reminds you that when someone tells you not to be afraid, it is already too late. You already feel fear. Your true choice is whether to admit your feelings as a natural response and release and express them. Or repress them and let them boil and fester and magnify.
When you know your fear and own it you prepare yourself to confront the situation at hand. You make a choice to use your energy to cope rather than waste yourself in denial. When you distinguish between your feelings and your thoughts you allow yourself to rewrite the “story” of your situation. You bring clarity to seeing the options you have.
Consider does fear bring you to strength ? Does is sharpen your senses and lead you to a competent response ? Panic weakens you and limits choice by destroying hope. Old Dog says, “You can know that fear and excitement have the same frequency of energy.the same tone… It is by your perception and attitude that a path of action is determined.”
We can be reminded of the clarity of Helen Keller’s words.
“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”
Also know by sharing your feelings and fears you create an environment where others feel safer about being their true self. It may not feel comfortable but it cuts down on the bull crap.
“When you hear someone say is it me or is it hot in here.” Old Dog says, “Of course it is you…you feel hot ! Are you going to feel any cooler if the rest of us don’t feel the say way.”
Old Dog also says, “It OK to be afraid…in fact you should be afraid.” A Man has asked, “Do you think Stephen King ever writes a story that is so scary that he can’t sleep ?”
Feel your feelings and fears. But, it is also may be wise to not tell yourself scary stories at bedtime.