Who is Old Dog ?


Many Ask....

Who Is Old Dog Anyway ? 

Opinions do vary. Some suggest that Old Dog is an Ancient Animal Spirit related to the Trickster Coyote Spirit. One that offers an expression of practical absurdity, useful chaos and just possibly playful wisdom. 

Some even believe that Old Dog is heyoka.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…

“Among the Lakota people, the heyoka is a contrarian, jester, satirist or sacred clown. The heyoka speaks, moves and reacts in an opposite fashion to the people around them.”

Others, even wonder if Old Dog is a "time traveler" bringing insight and entertaining distractions from both the Past and the Future.

Yet, threre are those who say Old Dog is simply just a persona manifested by David Mueller when he chooses to mouth off about something and not take complete credit or responsibility for it. Who knows what is truth and reality ?

Old Dog says both truth and reality are being written and created each and every moment. His battle cry is “Let us all be good authors”. 


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Old Dog Says....

Who Is David Mueller Anyway ?

Opinions do vary. Some suggest that this Man is a massage therapist, bodyworker, healer, healing arts wellness center/spa owner, teacher, husband, joker, author, fool, grandfather, great grandfather, heretic preacher’s kid, songwriter, photographer, current translator and channel for Old Dog and generally a consistently and uniquely weird human being. 

Old Dog says…

This Man may seem to be a lot of things. Honestly, the Boy may have been confused in grade school when they said, “You can be anything you want to be when you grow up. He thought they said, “You can be everything you want to be. So, that may be why He obviously believes he has the “big box of crayons”.               

He claims to be a fully credentialed, certified Human Being (which he believes is a verb).

Some suggest that he is just certifiable. 

Old Dog has heard rumors that this Man says that when he looks in the Mirror, he sees Old Dog, Well, Old Dog nether confirms or denies from time to time when he looks into the Mirror that he sees that Man. I guess it just depends on which side of the Mirror you are standing.