It has been said, “ “When you come to the fork in the road, take it”.
Old Dog speaks in detail about the “fork in the road”.
So, many times one can find themselves immobilized and fearful about what the consequences of choosing one path over another. What if the our journey in life was approached with the belief and confidence that whatever choice we made that we can find a way to “make things work”. So, you find yourself down your path. You choose one way over the other. Then, at times in panic you realize that you have gone a wrong way and the other choice could be better. By thinking in new and in unconventional ways you might be able to creatively find a way to go “cross country” and see if the other route (the road rarely or never traveled) is better. Also, always look behind you to see if there is a path that you rejected in the past. It may be one whose time has come.
A Man speaks of a time when studying acrylic painting with the artist and professor, Raymond Hendler. The Man stood still, brush in hand, before a canvas with the beginnings of a landscape unfolding, frozen with indecision. Ninety percent of the canvas was blank. The professor asked, "Why are you not painting ?" The Man repled, "Look at the those weeds and flowers in the lower, right corner." "I feel like I will not be able to paint the rest of the work as good as that corner." The professor answered, "Yea, they look good." Smiling, Hendler reached behind him and said, "Put out your hand." As the Man complied, the professor slammed a jar of gesso into his grasp. He followed with saying, "Those are acrylic paints, if you screw up, just white it out. You can only end up with a very thick painting." The Man learned from those word that the only thing that one gets from mistakes in life is a very "thick" life.
These are questions you can ask yourself in a moment of indecision.
Have you been here before ? It is oft said, "The very definition of "crazy" is to do the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome." In your thinking can you blink your eyes and open your mind ? Can you in a sense of through forgiveness or fresh eyes see possibilities that may have never occurred to you ?
Are there really only two choices ? By limiting your options, do you place yourself between "a rock and a hard place".
Is the roadblock you see a true roadblock ? Or is it a remnant of old thinking, a flashback of a past assumption that no longer applies. In your thinking can you blink your eyes and open your mind to a sense of through forgiveness or fresh eyes see possibilities that may have never occurred to you. Old Dog is also known to say often, “It is more important to ask how is it possible that is it possible.” Look behind you
Is this really a matter of life and death ? By, seeing the journey as a lifelong process allows one to experience feelings to with releif accept "progress not perfection". Old Dog says, "How many times have you felt or thought like you were going to die ?" "And how many times have you actually died ?" Of course, it is true that it feels like that. And it is important to hold feelings as truly valued. There is also clarity in President Obama’s words to his daughters that, “Only the end of the world is the end of the world.”
Again, part of rewriting your story is clarifying between thoughts and feeling. When it is feelings, then that can be felt and released. Exhaling with expression of feelings, in this spirit, you can feel the freedom to move from being stuck in indecision.
When you can’t see the path ahead, imagine who might see those options and opportunities that are out of sight for you. Who knows what you don’t know ? Who sees what you don’t see ? Who can be your ally ?
Old Dog says , “This is the everyday manifestation of the “Resurrection and the Life” literally and factually, the choice to embrace the present moment as a new beginning and opportunity to be reborn as a new person. Do not be imprisoned by memory or the past. You are who you choose to be.