Old Dog says “We are judged more by how we judge rather than how we are judged.”

Often, you have heard the phrase said, “Not Being Judgmental But....”  Interestingly, Old Dog barks, "I have observed those who usually begin with this phrase seem to be the most judgmental, excluding the religious beliefs of others, who only believe in their own freedom, and demand what they are not willing to give to others".

In a different spirit in these situations, Old Dog says “Being judgmental BUT….I still accept and respect your right to believe and express what you choose. The question is do you offer me the same. Or do you resort to name calling that is so familiar to this one's history. That is calling Old Dog a heretic, commie, unpatriotic, irreverent, sacrilegious, grandiose, delusional, long hair, hippie, freak, gay, effeminate, like a woman (Laugh, like these last three are even considered by Old Dog anywhere near being an insult). Speaking straightforwardly, Old Dog is proudly all of these things.

Then, there are those who speak of being so persecuted because of how we have moved towards more equality. They no longer have the majority that enables discrimination and persecution of minorities. It is natural to mourn a loss of power and sense of privilege. We can choose to  see others who have experienced much more than what we feel we are experienceing in this way. We can accept that they are like us rather than the "other" or an enemy. We can only hope that empathy and “walking in each others shoes” will win out.

It follows then, justice is more about what you offer others than what you can demand for yourself.  And so we are most authentic and generous when gifting justice like love is a daily practice moment by moment.  

So, many say that the world is just not all fair. It is true that the world may be not fair. 

Consider when the pack of wolves goes and attacks the herd. They only go after the weak, the sick and the old. It is very unfair. That, for the wolves there are so few sick and weak and old. (You see that perspective and story does reflect which "team" you are rooting for.

Of course, there is always a time and place for protest and working collectively to cry for justice and fight and honor the human rights of others.

Being judgmental is not a bad thing. We all do it. It is a part of explaining and describing how we experience life. What can be a very bad thing is being judgmental and not being honest in owning it and calling it judgment. As mention in other ways, this is most inauthentic and dishonest when one frames judgement as fact or Bible scripture or when one quotes the Constitution. You can probably guess from what you know about Old Dog by now that Old Dog believes that he is at least as smart and ethical and capable of storytelling as those who wrote the Constitution or the Bible.

But, Old Dog insists vigorously that words are only your story. Your actions are your experience and will always ring more strong and true of who you are.